Monday, April 16, 2012

If life gives you lemons...grab the vodka

Not at work today, some kind of stomach bug. I did miss an important informational meeting, but I asked a co-worker to call me after the meeting and fill me in. I don't know how much of this information is for public consumption, so I'll skip the details. I will say that there are likely some changes coming.

Some are coming soon, and are clearly defined. Others are further down the road, and impossible to see, but they are coming. 10 years ago I would have shrugged it off to the nature of a tech career in higher education, but in this economic climate, I grow just a bit concerned. I'm not close enough to retirement age for that to be an option, should the change involve downsizing my job, and the idea of being back in the job market at this time in my life dosen't thrill the shit out of me.

Let me be clear about one thing: There are no plans to let anyone go at this time, but time marches on. Seing as that my TARDIS is in the shop, I'll have a drink, go to work tomorrow, and do my job to the best of my ability.

No one knows where we will be this time next year, and I'm OK with that.


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