Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Now that we have that out of the way...I hate election season. Particularly supporters of one candidate who has been out of the race for months. I won't say who it is, but he's got some pretty outrageous ideas, and some VERY enthusiastic supporters.

Now, recently, my wife was very ill, and was hospitalized 4 times in a 2 month period, along with about half a dozen trips to the ER. The total cost of her healthcare was well in excess of $150,000. In addition to that, our son was born 10 weeks pre-mature, and spent 5 weeks in the NICU. The cost of this was closer to $250,000. Over our lifetime, I'm willing to bet that my family has racked up close to half a million dollars in healthcare, and we aren't done.

One particular candidate supporter ranted on Facebook about how our healthcare insurance was a total ripoff, and his favorite candidate has a healthcare savings plan that would be a much better option. Now, I did a little research, and apparently this HSP would allow for people to self insure for healthcare, but once your savings plan is empty, healthcare costs revert to out of pocket. I responded by explaining that my family healthcare has been so expensive that any healthcare savings account would have been empty years ago. I was dismissed as being emotional, and written off by the poster.

Now I'm not one to shy away from a spirited conversation, but to simply dismiss me as emotional because the healthcare costs in question relate to my family is asinine and a discussion killer. Of course I'm emotional! You tend to get emotional while you are sitting in a NICU watching your premie son sleep, wondering if you are going to need to arrange a homecoming or a funeral in the next few weeks. You also get emotional as two flight nurses are prepping your unconscious wife for a helicopter flight to a larger hospital in the region. However, being an intelligent adult, I can set all this aside and discuss the costs of all these events in a rational manner. Clearly, I'm not the one being emotional regarding my opinions about the best way to pay for healthcare.

Needless to say, he is no longer a Facebook friend.

And I'm OK with that.

"Come up to the Lab, and see what's on the slab..."

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