Tuesday, May 8, 2012

...and just like that, I'm 44...

Ahh, birthdays. How I long for the heady days of youth when birthdays where exciting and magical.


First off, thanks for all the birthday wishes and good will. Despite the dark tone of this post, I DO appreciate the fact that so many people gave me a thought on Saturday, even if prompted by Facebook, and only for a moment or two. At this point, I'll take all the good will I can get. If anyone has any additional good will, drop it off at dmenke@gmail.com or drop me a comment. I know someone is reading this post! Say Hi, damn it!


That's about all I have to say regarding my birthday. If you yearn for a rant of some kind regarding how great it is to get old, or how much it sucks to get old, do a Google search. I don't have the mental energy.

Lotsa busy shit coming up, including several weekends camping in a tent. Now, I've never been a big camper; I had enough of the "sleep outside and not bathe for a week" shit while I was in the military. But my son is a Webelow, and part of his Arrow of Light badge requirements is that we camp out over night. No problem. He's my son. I'm not going to say no to that. Later in June, I have another campout with some old friends at an old Brick and Tile Works that has been converted into this funky industrial earth art center. I love this place, and I love the people who are coming, so again with the tent. I can hack it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...I bought a tent! Nothing special, but it's my first.. Perhaps actually having a tent will change my attitude on camping. I wish I had a good thick air mattress. Time to call Mom. I think she might have one.

So what the hell is the point of this post? Don't have one. Sue me.

1 comment:

Dean Roberts said...

Sleeping with nature. The moon, the stars, the sounds of the outdoors. Then come the snorers. No, that is not a freight train. It's the sound of scouters. From Cubs to Boy Scouts - snoring is a constant.

Enjoy your camping!